We seek to provide independent assurance on the quality, safety and effectiveness of healthcare by reporting openly and clearly on our inspections, reviews and investigations. It is crucial that our work is evidence based and independent so that it can be trusted by the public, healthcare services and Government. Making sure all HIW staff follow a common Code of Practice is fundamental to achieving this.
This Code contains six principles and associated practices. Some practices are relevant to more than one principle. To avoid repetition, the practices are not normally repeated under different principles. The Code is specific but, in some cases, we know it will need interpretation and professional judgement.
This Code is consistent with the Civil Service Code of Conduct and Welsh Government Staff Code of Conduct Core values such as integrity, honesty, objectivity and impartiality are interpreted for HIW as follows:

Principle 1: Openness and accessibility
Our work will be reported honestly, fairly and impartially. It will be readily accessible to all, and will meet the aim of providing independent assurance to the public, health services and Government.
- Report findings honestly, fairly and impartially
- Publish reports in accordance with our Publication Policy
- Publish reports in our recognised standard format to enhance clarity and consistency
- Use language that is easy to read and understand. This will ensure, as far as possible, that our information is accessible to a range of different audiences
- Ensure that all reports can be accessed from our website
- Make reports equally available to all, subject to agreed protocols for advance distribution of reports under embargo.
Principle 2: Impartiality and objectivity
Evidence and information about inspections, investigations and reviews of services should be managed impartially and objectively.
- Carry out fieldwork with integrity, courtesy and sensitivity
- Communicate openly and honestly
- Evaluate the work of the healthcare service objectively
- Present the evidence impartially and objectively
- Publish the methodology behind the work, and details of how the evidence was captured.
Principle 3: Integrity
At all stages in the evidence gathering, management and publication of our work, the public interest should prevail over organisational, political or personal interests.
- Ensure that staff are protected from any political pressures that might influence the production or presentation of the evidence
- Ensure that staff are engaged only in those activities for which they have the necessary knowledge, skill and experience
- Implement controls to ensure information is not used for any personal gain, or in any manner that would be contrary to the law or detrimental to the legitimate and ethical objectives of HIW or the organisation under review
- Make your manager aware of any areas of work for which you do not feel sufficiently competent to undertake.
Principle 4: Assured quality
All work undertaken by HIW, including reviews, inspections and investigations should be consistent with our standard methodology and be fully documented. Intelligence gathering should be consistent with recognised methods and standards. Quality should be monitored and assured taking account of agreed practices.
- Ensure that all evidence is gathered and reports produced according to agreed methodology
- Ensure that reports are produced to a level of quality that adheres to HIW’s style guide
- Adopt quality assurance procedures and ensure that staff are suitably trained in quality assurance
- Seek to achieve continuous improvement in the proficiency, effectiveness and quality of work by, for example, participating fully in training and development activity.
Principle 5: Confidentiality
Information should only be sought that is necessary to enable us to carry out our work effectively. Private information about individual persons is confidential and will be handled in accordance with legal frameworks.
- Ensure that reports do not reveal the identity of an individual or any private information relating to them
- Protect information acquired in the course of your duties and keep confidential information secure
- Report any information or data issues to the Information Asset Owner (see section 11 for further details) in accordance with Welsh Government policy.
Principle 6: A supportive approach
HIW approach is that assurance work is a supportive process carried out in conjunction with the relevant health body, with the aim to inform improvement in healthcare services.
- We will be mindful of causing undue burden on healthcare services (for example multiple inspections on the same site at the same time)
- Our assurance work will aim to ensure a positive and constructive approach to engagement with staff and service users
- We will give reasonable timescales for requests of information (other than when short notice or unannounced inspections or other requests are required due to risk)
- Staff carrying out assurance work will be sensitive to causing undue stress on individual members of staff.