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What we do

Healthcare Inspectorate Wales is the independent inspectorate and regulator of healthcare in Wales. We inspect NHS services, and regulate independent healthcare providers against a range of standards, policies, guidance and regulations to highlight areas requiring improvement.

Our purpose

To check that healthcare services are provided in a way which maximises the health and wellbeing of people 

Our values

We place people at the heart of what we do. We are:

  • Independent – we are impartial, deciding what work we do and where we do it
  • Objective - we are reasoned, fair and evidence driven
  • Decisive - we make clear judgements and take action to improve poor standards and highlight the good practice we find
  • Inclusive - we value and encourage equality and diversity through our work
  • Proportionate - we are agile and we carry out our work where it matters most

Our goal

To be a trusted voice which influences and drives improvement in healthcare

Our priorities

  • We will focus on the quality of healthcare provided to people and communities as they access, use and move between services.
  • We will adapt our approach to ensure we are responsive to emerging risks to patient safety
  • We will work collaboratively to drive system and service improvement within healthcare
  • We will support and develop our workforce to enable them, and the organisation, to deliver our priorities.