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Inspection finds staff at St Peter’s Hospital are committed to delivering quality care

Healthcare Inspectorate Wales (HIW) has issued a report (20 January 2023) into the findings from its inspection of St Peter’s Hospital in Newport, which specialises in providing mental health care to patients with conditions such as Dementia and Huntington's Disease. Staff were found to be committed to delivering a high standard of care and suitable protocols were in place to manage risk, health and safety and infection control.

St Peter's Hospital - Brecon, Caldicot and Raglan Units

HIW completed an unannounced independent inspection of the hospital on three consecutive days in October last year. During this period a number of assessment areas were inspected on the Brecon, Caldicot and Raglan Units. St Peter’s Hospital offers 51 beds split into single-gender units and provides specialist treatment and nursing care to patients with degenerative neuropsychiatric conditions and acquired brain injuries.  

Inspectors observed a committed team of staff who had a good understanding of the needs of the patients and were dedicated to providing a high standard of care. Staff were seen to be interacting with patients respectfully throughout the inspection, demonstrating a caring, compassionate, and understanding attitude There was dedicated and passionate leadership displayed by the hospital director who is supported by a committed multidisciplinary team.

The onsite inspection identified that improvements were needed to the availability of onsite advocacy support and in relation to reinstating patient feedback meetings facilitated by staff to discuss any suggested improvements or additional requirements.

Mandatory training, supervision and annual appraisal completion rates were generally high. However, improvements were needed in training compliance for basic life support and safer people handling. Legal documentation to detain patients under the Mental Health Act was compliant with the requirements of the legislation. There were also practice reviews which support staff in learning from incidents and inspectors were shown updated positive behavioural support plans.  Inspectors did identify areas for improvement such as the availability of personal alarms for staff and visitors.

Chief Executive of HIW, Alun Jones said:

It is positive to see the quality of care being provided at St Peters Hospital and the dedication of its staff in delivering high standards. Our inspection identified improvements which require the service to take action. The setting has produced a comprehensive plan which sets out improvement actions. HIW will continue to closely monitor progress against this plan.

October 2022 – Independent Mental Health Service Inspection Report – St Peter’s Hospital, Newport

October 2022 – Inspection Summary Report – St Peter’s Hospital, Newport