Maternity Services Praised at the Tirion Birth Centre in Llantrisant
Today, Healthcare Inspectorate Wales (HIW) has issued a report, following an inspection of the Tirion Birth Centre at the Royal Glamorgan Hospital in Llantrisant, run by Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board.

Inspectors completed an unannounced inspection of the hospital’s maternity services across two consecutive days in October 2023, focusing on antenatal, labour, and postnatal maternity care.
Inspectors found a dedicated team of staff who were committed to providing a high standard of care to women and their families. Staff were working well as a team to provide women and birthing people with a positive experience, that was individualised to their needs. The centre was clean and accessible, offering a welcoming homely environment. Women were provided with opportunities to discuss their birthing options, including discussions around the risk of various options. The centre was well resourced with 24/7 care available, including breastfeeding support.
Inspectors found high levels of mandatory training completion rates for staff, including courses relating to equality and diversity. The midwifery management structure provided clear lines of reporting and accountability, and managers were visible and accessible.
There were well established processes and audits in place to manage risk, health and safety and infection control. However, minor areas for improvement were identified, including some out-of-date policies.
Inspectors found issues with the safe storage of medication and equipment, which was addressed and resolved swiftly by staff during the inspection process.
There were clear processes in place for the management of incidents, with staff ensuring incident information and learning is shared across the service. The quality of record keeping within the centre was clear and well organised, and there were appropriate escalation mechanisms and risk assessments in place.
When asked, staff told inspectors they felt well-equipped to undertake their role with regular appraisals and support.
Tirion Birth Centre should focus on expanding it's reach in order to provide their services to more expectant women and birthing people, especially those from diverse ethnic backgrounds, as very few people from a diverse ethnic background use the centre.
Examples of good practice included arrangements to encourage women and birthing people to provide feedback on their experiences including the option to join the health board’s Maternity Voices Group.
Healthcare Inspectorate Wales Chief Executive Alun Jones said:
'It is positive to find a dedicated staff team who are committed to providing a high standard of care to women, birthing people, and their families. It is commendable to see the variety and quality of services available to women before, during and after their births. We will be working with the health board to ensure any areas of concern identified from the inspection are addressed.’