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National Review of Prevention and Promotion of Independence for Older Adults (over 65) Living in the Community

This National Review comprises of 10 Separate Local Authority Area Inspections. The pilot inspection was conducted in January 2019 and led to the undertaking of a further ten inspections in local authorities in Wales were carried out.

Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) and HIW worked together to focus on the experience of older adults as they come into contact with and move through social care services up until the time they may need to enter a care home and we considered the times when people experience, or would benefit from, joint working between local authority services and health board services.

The inspections evaluated the quality of the service within the parameters of the four underpinning principles of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act and considered their application in practice at three levels:

  • Individual
  • Organisational
  • Strategic  

We considered all expectations outlined in the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act codes of practice.

Links to the local authority inspection reports are below:

The final report of the review was published on the CIW website on 7 September 2020: