Patients receive good quality healthcare at Bryn Hesketh mental health unit
Healthcare Inspectorate Wales (HIW) has issued a report (3 February) following its inspection at Bryn Hesketh, a mental health assessment unit run by Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board.

HIW completed a two-day unannounced inspection at the unit in Colwyn Bay in November last year. Bryn Hesketh is an older person’s mental health unit, which can accommodate up to 13 patients.
During the inspection we found the quality of care to be safe and effective, with staff committed to treating patients with respect and compassion. When asked, patients and their relatives told us they were satisfied with the care being provided. Inspectors observed good interactions between staff and patients, with staff caring for patients in a dignified and inclusive manner.
Although inspectors found the unit to be clean and tidy with arrangements in place to reduce cross infection, it was highlighted some repair work needed to be carried out including broken ward door handles and toilet repairs.
Staff told us they felt supported with good levels of management and leadership across the unit. However, they were critical of the lack of support and engagement from the wider organisation and senior managers outside of the unit.
It was evidenced staff were being encouraged to access training both in-house and externally, however, this had lapsed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Additional focus is required to ensure staff complete all elements of mandatory training. It was concerning to observe staff personal emergency alarms did not work in all areas of the unit, this needs to be resolved to reduce risk to staff and patients.
Chief Executive of HIW, Alun Jones said:
It is positive to see the quality of patient care being delivered by the dedicated staff at Bryn Hesketh. It is reassuring to see improvements have been acknowledged and are already being met with encouragement from staff. The setting has produced a comprehensive plan which sets out improvement actions, which we will continue to monitor the progress against.