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Social partnership

As an operationally independent part of the Welsh Government, the relationship between the employer and trade unions in Healthcare Inspectorate Wales is based on social partnership. We believe our goals can best be achieved by management and trade unions working together.

Our 3 recognised trade unions are:

  • PCS
  • Prospect
  • FDA

This relationship is underpinned by a partnership agreement between the unions and the Welsh Government, which covers HIW. This sets out how our unions work with the government on issues such as:

  • pay
  • terms and conditions
  • policies and procedures
  • and organisational change

Our trade union colleagues work together to give their members a real say in the workplace. They make sure that the interests of their members are promoted and protected. They also help reduce inequalities and improve terms and conditions. 
The Welsh Government has an excellent track record of working in partnership with its trade unions. Our staff are encouraged to get involved and are supported in joining a recognised trade union to ensure their voice is heard in the workplace. They are also encouraged to learn more about trade unions and partnership working.