We have published our joint review of child protection arrangements (JICPA) in Bridgend
The joint inspection took place in June 2023.
Together with His Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS), Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) and Estyn, we carried out a joint inspection on the multi-agency response to abuse and neglect in Bridgend.
This report outlines our findings about the effectiveness of partnership working and of the work of individual agencies in Bridgend.
In common with many areas across Wales, we found recruitment and retention of key staff is impacting on children’s safeguarding arrangements. This is made more difficult by the high levels of demand and increasing complexity of children’s and family’s needs. The workforce position within social services remains fragile. The shortage of social workers and a competitive market has resulted in an increased reliance on agency social workers. Partner agencies, such as police and health, have identified issues with resourcing the increase in child protection activity.
Despite these workforce issues, we found that improvements have been made in Bridgend since Care Inspectorate Wales’s previous full inspection in May 2022 and follow-up visit in November 2022.
Positive practice includes:
- Professionals identify children in need of help and protection and report their concerns accordingly enabling accurate, early decision-making.
- Actual and potential risks are identified well with proportionate actions taken to protect children.
- There are examples of the local authority and partners responding promptly and effectively to meet the needs of children, especially where acute need and risk is identified.
- Schools across Bridgend county work well with a wide range of services to support children and families.
- There is good multi-agency attendance and participation in child protection meetings arranged under the Wales Safeguarding Procedures.
Overall, systems and relationships are in place to facilitate effective partnership working where a child is at risk of abuse and neglect. There are, however, areas of child protection which are inconsistent and require attention. These include:
- Challenges in sharing information between agencies in the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub.
- Immediate actions are taken to promote children’s safety but there can be gaps following an initial enquiry. This may represent a missed opportunity to share essential information and discuss the outcome of the enquiry with all relevant agencies.
- The quality of care and support protection plans is too variable.
To see all our findings and recommendations, read the full report below.
Joint Inspectorate Review of Child Protection Arrangements (JICPA): Bridgend 2023
Joint Inspectorate Review of Child Protection Arrangements (JICPA): Bridgend 2023 - Child Friendly version