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Insight Bulletin - May 2023

Insight Bulletin May 2023

Welcome to the summer edition of Healthcare Inspectorate Wales' (HIW) Insight Bulletin.

Each quarter we share our news and highlight key themes emerging from our work. It is part of our commitment to better understand our stakeholders’ expectations, proactively engage, share our findings and report on our activity.

The core focus of our work is on determining the quality of healthcare services being provided to patients in Wales. We consider patient safety, risk, and patient experience across all our work. The implementation of the new Health and Care Quality Standards (from 1st April 2023), arising from the Health and Social Care (Quality and Engagement) Act 2020, will now underpin our assurance work within the Welsh NHS. As the Duties of Quality and Candour, and new Standards continue to steer the focus on quality, within healthcare services, you can expect to see HIW responding to this, by adapting our inspection methodology accordingly to ensure we gain assurance on quality and safety across the NHS in Wales.

It has been a busy few months, for HIW, in April we attended a conference in Malta hosted by the European Partnership for Supervisory Organisations in Health Services and Social Care, known as EPSO. This is a valuable forum where learning and innovation is shared amongst inspectorates and regulators worldwide.

In this edition, we also introduce you to our new Director of Assurance and two new organisations who will be joining our Stakeholder Advisory Group. The group provides a unique insight into the healthcare experiences of diverse communities to help inform our work.

Our ‘learning and insight’ section this quarter shines a spotlight on reoccurring issues and themes emerging from our assurance work to General Medical Practices (GP Practices).

We would love to hear from you so please provide your feedback to us.
