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18 May 2021

We have published our joint review with Audit Wales of Cwm Taf University Health Board following recommendations made in November 2019

23 Apr 2021

Healthcare Inspectorate Wales to increase routine onsite assurance work from 26th April.

8 Apr 2021

We have published our strategy and operational plan for 2021-2022.

24 Mar 2021

Jointly with Care Inspectorate Wales, we published the annual monitoring report on the use of Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) in Wales.

8 Mar 2021

Gillian Baranski, Chief Inspector, Care Inspectorate Wales and Alun Jones, Interim Chief Executive, Healthcare Inspectorate Wales are calling on all staff working in health and social care in Wales to "speak up" about the excellent care that is being provided, but also about care that does not meet the required standard.

1 Mar 2021

Healthcare Inspectorate Wales is due to undertake assurance work to consider health board arrangements for delivering the COVID-19 vaccination strategy.

26 Feb 2021

Healthcare Inspectorate Wales has resumed routine work associated with our adapted quality check and inspection activity in the NHS.

20 Jan 2021

Our Quality Insight Bulletin, a new product for Healthcare Inspectorate Wales, draws together the positive themes, good practice and emerging risks we’ve found from our Quality Checks and other work during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic.

21 Dec 2020

Healthcare Inspectorate Wales (HIW) has decided to pause all new, routine work associated with our adapted quality check and inspection activity in the NHS from 20 December at least until the end of January 2021, at which time we will review our decision.

18 Dec 2020

Healthcare Inspectorate Wales (HIW) has today [18 December] published the findings of inspections of two field hospitals - the first time it has inspected such settings