What we want to achieve for the next three years and how we plan to do it.
Strategy 2022-2025
The learning we have done as an organisation over the past three years has challenged the way we work and carry out our role, and has contributed to the foundations of our new strategy. We must remain agile and responsive to the emerging risks and models which will continue to arise as society and healthcare services adapt to living alongside COVID-19.
We have a responsibility to support the principles set out by the Well-Being of Future Generations (Wales) Act and we have kept these principles, and ‘A healthier Wales’ at the core of our new strategy.

Our purpose is:
To check that healthcare services are provided in a way which maximises the health and wellbeing of people.
Our goal is:
To be a trusted voice which influences and drives improvement in healthcare.
Our four priorities are :
- We will focus on the quality of healthcare provided to people and communities as they access, use and move between services
- We will adapt our approach to ensure we are responsive to emerging risks to patient safety
- We will work collaboratively to drive system and service improvement within healthcare
- We will support and develop our workforce to enable them, and the organisation, to deliver our priorities.
These priorities will help us to consider whether healthcare meets the needs of a community and whether it is of a good quality. Equality and diversity will be core to the work we do and our strategy supports us to consider how healthcare services reach those who face the greatest barriers to access, and poorest outcomes in health.
Strategic Plan - 2022-2025 , file type: PDF, file size: 1 MBPublished:1 MB
Operational Plan 2024-2025 , file type: PDF, file size: 591 KBPublished:591 KB
Operational Plan 2023-2024 , file type: PDF, file size: 690 KBPublished:690 KB
Operational Plan 2022 - 2023 , file type: PDF, file size: 2 MBPublished:2 MB